Monday, 13 April 2020

playlist for the eccentric selection 13/04/2020

here's the playlist for the eccentric selection (13th april) on mixlcoud whilst phonic fm is unable to do live broadcasts. Follow the link to listen

ufo boy azooga
little sharky & the white pointer rvg
left turn lewsberg
lovesick kisses the microdance
stuka vs f-16 computer composer
ephemeral garbage ishi vu
null huh
a red flower ivor cutler
shortly after takeoff bc camplight
mr punch the man room sessions
mindboggling cmon
paradise john prine (r.i.p.)
monsters empathy test
juliet dick dent
running round my head jack britten
texas drums pottery

back next week, feel free to leave any comments, requests & dedications. phonic will be back soon on 106.8fm in exeter and around the world on

pip pip

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